Our Clergy
+ Father Louis Campbell
As of 18 December 2023: Father Louis Campbell died 18 December, at 12:40 pm CST accompanied by many caretakers who were saying the Rosary at the time he expired. Please pray for the repose of the soul of Father Campbell, whose service to God has been nothing short of heroic.
Father received the Last Rites from a Maronite Catholic priest in November 2023 and died wearing his brown scapular.
Father Louis Campbell was ordained a priest for the Augustinian Order in 1961 in the old rite of Holy Orders.
Soon afterward, he was sent to New York, where he received priestly jurisdiction from Francis Joseph Cardinal Spellman, who was consecrated bishop in 1932 with a papal mandate from Pope Pius XI and was later appointed Archbishop of New York in 1939 by Pope Pius XII. Father Campbell was sent to Wisconsin, where he was given priestly jurisdiction from Archbishop William Edward Cousins, who was consecrated bishop in 1948 with a papal mandate from Pope Pius XII. Father Campbell was then transferred to Ottawa, where he received priestly faculties from Archbishop Marie-Joseph Lemieux, who was consecrated bishop in 1936 with a papal mandate from Pope Pius XI and was appointed Archbishop of Ottawa in 1953 by Pope Pius XII.
In 2001, Fr. Campbell requested and received a renewal of his priestly faculties from one of the last functioning Pius XII-era Catholic Bishops in North America, Archbishop Isadore Borecky, who was appointed bishop in 1948 by Pope Pius XII. As Archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Toronto, Borecky was responsible for a huge area over North America that overlapped multiple Roman-rite dioceses and reached down into Texas. As the Roman-rite bishops one by one all abandoned legitimate Catholic worship, Borecky became by default perhaps the last Catholic bishop with authority over North America and was the only bishop in Canada that Father Campbell could approach for a renewal of his faculties.
In June 2001, Father Campbell relocated to Texas and began assisting the Catholic faithful at Saint Jude’s in the Houston area. During a return visit with Bishop Borecky in 2002, Father Campbell requested and received faculties to confirm from the archbishop as per Canon 782, as explained by Father P. Charles Augustine: “... Rome has granted the faculty to bishops to sub-delegate or delegate any priest they choose to administer Confirmation.” (A Commentary on the New [1917] Code of Canon Law, Vol. IV, by Rev. P. Charles Augustine, 1925, page 107)