Mass Etiquette
"When you are attending Mass and other religious services, be very reverent when you stand up, kneel, and sit. Perform each action with great devotion. Be modest in your gaze, and do not turn your head this way and that to see who is coming or going. Out of reverence for that holy place, do not laugh or look around to see who is nearby. Try not to talk to anyone unless charity or a strict need requires it.
"If you are reciting a group prayer, pronounce the words of the prayer distinctly, stop for the pauses, and never hurry through the prayer.
"In short, behave in such a way that all bystanders are edified and, because of you, are moved to glorify and love the heavenly Father.
"When you leave the church, have a calm and collected demeanor."
Words of Padre Pio, July 25, 1915
The guidelines below are intended to prepare newcomers for what to expect at a traditional Latin Mass at Saint Jude Shrine Catholic Church.
Note: *An asterisk means that something is absolutely required. Please review before attending.
Dress Code* Required
What to Expect
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass requires the utmost attention and reverence. In it, the host is transformed into the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (see our page on the Holy Eucharist). Therefore it is imperative for the faithful to respect the solemnity of the event and the space as soon as they enter the church doors.
It is recommended that Catholics go to Confession often (Confession times can be found here) and especially if they have committed a mortal sin, in which case they must confess their sins to a validly ordained priest in order to be forgiven and receive Holy Communion.
Mass Guidelines* Required
This list is non-exhaustive, however, proper behaviors that are required* for inside Saint Jude Shrine include:
Dressing modestly (see Dress Code page) and wearing head coverings (women only)
Genuflecting, meaning kneeling with one knee briefly prior to sitting down and after standing up from a pew, and whenever crossing the center aisle in front of the Blessed Sacrament which is housed in the Tabernacle atop the main Altar
Silencing cell phones and not using them (texting or calling) while in the church
Speaking in a low whisper
Receiving Communion*
Those eligible to receive Holy Communion are baptized Catholics in the state of grace with no restrictions from receiving (for more information see our page about the Holy Eucharist). Communion is distributed on the tongue only to those kneeling at the Communion Rail, unless due to a handicap they must stand or sit. Those returning to their pews should keep their hands folded in reverence for the Blessed Sacrament which they have just received.
What is also encouraged
Making the sign of the Cross with holy water when entering the church
Staying after Mass is over and the priest has left the sanctuary (church) to say prayers privately
For parents with small children
In the hall adjacent to the church, the Mass is livestreamed on a big screen so that parents with small children can monitor their children as well as attend to the Mass. When time for Communion comes around, parents may enter the church with their children to receive and return to the hall afterwards.
For mothers who are breastfeeding
There is a room in the hall of Saint Jude's provided for mothers who are currently breastfeeding.