Sermons are listed from most to least recent.
Note: If you do not see the sermon you are looking for, please check again later as it may not have been posted yet. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
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The Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost, "Keeping the Faith in Difficult Times," 11/4/2023
Feast of Christ the King, "The Princely Dignity of Christ," 10/28/2023
The Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost, "The Locust of the Fifth Trumpet," 10/22/23
The Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost, "Daughters of Mary, Daughters of Eve," 10/15/2023
The Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost, "The Miracle of Fatima," 10/8/2023
The Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost, "The Vacant Pew," 10/1/2023
The Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost, "Asking the Right Question," 9/24/2023
The Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost, "Leaving Sodom," 9/17/2023
The Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost, "Believing the Devil's Lies," 9/10/2023
The Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost, "Reading the Signs of the Times," 9/3/2023
The Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost, "A Cast of Shady Characters," 8/27/2023
The Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost, "The Dangerous Game," 8/20/2023
The Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost, "He Has Done All Things Well," 8/13/2023
The Feast of the Transfiguration, "The Eclipse of God's Commands," 8/6/2023
The Ninth Sunday After Pentecost, "Whom the gods Wish to Destroy," 7/30/2023
The Eighth Sunday After Pentecost, "Children of Darkness, Children of Light," 7/23/2023
The Seventh Sunday After Pentecost, "Living in a Fool's Paradise," 7/16/2023
The Sixth Sunday After Pentecost, "The Foundation of the World," 7/9/2023
Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, "The Ark of the Covenant," 7/2/2023
The Fourth Sunday After Pentecost, "The Church Persecuted," 6/25/2023
The Third Sunday After Pentecost, "Blessed Be the Holy Name of Jesus!," 6/18/2023
The Second Sunday After Pentecost, "The Words of Everlasting Life," 6/11/2023
Trinity Sunday, "How Unsearchable Are His Ways!, "6/4/2023
Pentecost Sunday, "Heav'nly Gift of God Most High," 5/28/2023
Sunday After the Ascension, "Hearing You Will Hear, But Not Understand," 5/21/2023
Ascension Thursday, "The Testimony of God," 5/18/2023
Fifth Sunday After Easter, "To Hear And Obey God's Word," 5/14/2023
Fourth Sunday After Easter, "The Grace to Remain Faithful," 5/7/2023
Third Sunday After Easter, "Living in a Broken World," 4/30/2023
Second Sunday After Easter, "One Fold and One Shepherd," 4/23/2023
Low Sunday, "The Lord Who Comes Quickly," 4/16/2023
Palm Sunday, "Heirs According to the Promise," 4/2/2023
Passion Sunday, "Amen! Come Lord Jesus!" 3/26/2023
Fourth Sunday of Lent, "Eyes to See the Truth," 3/19/2023
Third Sunday of Lent, "Drifting Away," 3/12/2023
Second Sunday of Lent, "Keeping the Faith in Troubled Times," 3/5/2023
First Sunday of Lent, "Slaying the Dragons," 2/26/2023
Quinquagesima Sunday, "Son of the Most High," 2/19/2023
Sexagesima Sunday, "Shall We Gather At Assisi?," 2/12/2023
Septuagesima Sunday, "Synodality, and a Great Event," 2/5/2023
Fourth Sunday After Epiphany, "The Law Written in Their Hearts," 1/29/2023
Third Sunday After Epiphany, "The Way, and the Truth, and the Life," 1/22/2023
Second Sunday After Epiphany, "The Light of Life," 1/15/2023
Feast of the Holy Family, "In the Deep Silence," 1/8/2023
Feast of the Circumcision, "From Heaven's Royal Throne," 1/1/2023
Mass for Christmas, 12/25/2022 (To be posted)
Mass for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, "The Church and the Troubled World," 12/18/2022
Mass for Gaudete Sunday, "In Him, Though You Do Not See Him, Yet Believing," 12/11/2022
Mass for the Second Sunday of Advent, "No Other Name Under Heaven," 12/4/2022
Mass for the First Sunday of Advent, "The Kingdom of God is Near," 11/27/2022
Mass for the Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost, "The Return of the King of Kings," 11/20/2022
Mass for the Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost, "Determined to Keep the Faith," 11/13/2022
Mass for the Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost, "I will Go Unto the Altar of God," 11/6/2022
Feast of All Saints, "The Communion of the Saints," 10/31/2022
Feast of Christ the King, "Everyone Who Believes," 10/30/2022
Mass for the Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost, "Finding the Road to Heaven," 10/23/2022
Mass for the Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost, "The Riches of His Grace," 10/16/2022
Mass for the Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost, "That They May Have Life," 10/9/2022
Mass for the Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost, "The Only Hope of the World, Part II," 9/25/2022
Mass for the Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost, "The Only Hope of the World," 9/18/2022
Mass for the Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost, "Mary, the Second Eve," 9/11/2022
Mass for the Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost, "The Abomination of Desolation," 9/4/2022
Mass for the Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost, "Blessed Are the Eyes that See," 8/28/2022
Mass for the Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost, "Shaking the Dust from Our Feet," 8/21/2022
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, "The True and the Beautiful," 8/15/2022
Mass for the Tenth Sunday After Pentecost, "In Justice and Holiness of Truth," 8/14/2022
Mass for the Ninth Sunday After Pentecost, "The Church Persecuted," 8/7/2022
Mass for the Eighth Sunday After Pentecost, "Thou Shalt Not Have Strange Gods before Me," 7/31/2022
Mass for the Seventh Sunday After Pentecost, "New Heavens and a New Earth," 7/24/2022
Mass for the Sixth Sunday After Pentecost, "Alive to God in Christ Jesus," 7/17/2022
Mass for the Fifth Sunday After Pentecost, "The Vine and the Branches," 7/10/2022
Mass for the Fourth Sunday After Pentecost, "Attack of the False Prophets," 7/3/2022
Mass for the Third Sunday After Pentecost, "You Shall Know the Truth," 6/26/2022
Mass for the Sunday After Corpus Christi, "Learning to be Catholic," 6/19/2022
Mass for Trinity Sunday, "The Mystery of Faith," 6/12/2022
Mass for Pentecost Sunday, "Let Your radiance in us shine," 6/5/2022
Mass for the Sunday After the Ascension, "God So Loved the World," 5/29/22
Mass for the Fifth Sunday After Easter, "Through the Stormy Seas of Life," 5/22/22
Mass for the Fourth Sunday After Easter, "Second Thoughts of May," 5/15/22
Mass for the Third Sunday After Easter, "Our Lady, Ark of the Covenant," 5/8/22
Mass for the Second Sunday After Easter, "All that is Born of God," 5/1/22
Mass for Low Sunday, "As a Thief in the Night," 4/24/22
Discourses for Good Friday, "The Seven Last Words," 4/15/22
Mass for Palm Sunday, "If The Son Makes You Free," 4/10/22
Mass for Passion Sunday, "The Man of Sorrows," 4/3/22
Mass for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, "The Grace of Conversion," 3/27/22
Mass for the Third Sunday of Lent, "The Fall of the City of Man," 3/20/22
Mass for the Second Sunday of Lent, "Praying on God's Holy Mountain," 3/13/22
Mass for the First Sunday of Lent, "Observing a Traditional Lent," 3/6/22
Mass for Quinquagesima Sunday, "Lord, That I May See," 2/27/22
Mass for Sexagesima Sunday, "The Faith that I Have Held and Hold," 2/20/22
Mass for Septuagesima Sunday, "Entering by the Narrow Gate," 2/13/22
Fifth Sunday After Epiphany, "My God, in Whom I Trust," 2/6/22
Fourth Sunday After Epiphany, "And There Came a Great Calm," 1/30/22
Third Sunday After Epiphany, "The Truth Shall Make You Free," 1/23/22
Second Sunday After Epiphany, "Looking For the True Mary," 1/16/22
Feast of the Holy Family, "Belonging to God's Family," 1/9/22
The Holy Name of Jesus, "How the Narrow Gate," 1/2/22
The Feast of the Circumcision, "The Rise and Fall of Many," 1/1/22
Sunday Within the Octave of Christmas, "The Lord is King, In Splendor Robed," 12/26/21
Christmas Day, "Christmas Among the Ruins," 12/25/21
Fourth Sunday of Advent, "The Orient from on High," 12/19/21
Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday), "No Other Name Under Heaven," 12/12/21
Feast of the Immaculate Conception, "A Great Sign Appeared in Heaven," 12/8/21
Second Sunday of Advent, "All Joy and Peace in Believing," 12/5/21
First Sunday of Advent, "Signs in the Sun and the Moon and the Stars," 11/28/21
Twenty-Sixth Sunday After Pentecost, "Growing in the Knowledge of God," 11/21/21
Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Pentecost, "The Good Fight of the Faith," 11/14/21
Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost, "Abiding In His Word," 11/7/21
Feast of All Saints, "To Those Who Did Receive Him," 11/1/21
Feast of Christ the King, "The Earth Sees and Trembles," 10/31/21
Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost, "The Faith of a Believer," 10/24/21
Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost, "The Sword of the Spirit," 10/17/21
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost, "You Who Fear the Lord," 10/10/21
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost, "Shelter from the Gathering Storm," 10/03/21
Feast of the North American Martyrs, "God's Light and the Darkness of the Times," 9/26/21
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost, "To Preserve the Unity of the Spirit," 9/19/21
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, "No Room for Doubt," 9/12/21
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost, "Those Who Believe in Him," 9/5/21
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost, "Pilgrims on the Rocky Road" 8/29/21
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, "Fair as the Morning Rising" 8/22/21
TBP: Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, 8/15/21
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, "Making or Breaking the Covenant" 8/8/21
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, "The Courage to Believe" 8/1/21
Feast of the Apostle St. James, "Of My Cup you shall Indeed Drink" 7/25/21
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost, Working Out your Salvation" 7/18/21
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, "To Every Man According to his Conduct" 7/11/2021
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, "This Perverse Generation" 7/4/21
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost,"Wounded for Our Iniquities" 6/27/21
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, "More Joy in Heaven" 6/20/21
Third Sunday after Pentecost, "The Love of Christ Impels Us" 6/13/21
Second Sunday after Pentecost, "God Warns us Through His Prophets" 6/6/21
Feast of the Holy Trinity, "Build your House on the Rock" 05/30/21
Pentecost Sunday, "The Power of the Holy Spirit" 05/23/21
Sunday After the Ascension, "Gift of God the Most High" 05/16/21
Feast of the Ascension, "Keeping the Faith in 2021" 05/13/21
Fifth Sunday After Easter, "Our Help is in the Name of the Lord" from 05/13/12
Fourth Sunday After Easter, "The Persecuted Church of the End Times," 05/02/21
Feast of St. Mark, "The Certainty of the Gospel," 04/25/21
Second Sunday After Easter, "The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom," 04/18/21
Low Sunday, "Judas and 'his own place.' " 04/11/21
Easter Sunday, "He is Truly Risen! Alleluia!" 04/04/21
Easter Vigil, "Death is Swallowed up in Victory" 04/03/21
Palm Sunday, "The Cause of Eternal Salvation," 03/28/21
Passion Sunday, "The Darkness of Paganism and the Light of the World" 03/21/21
Fourth Sunday of Lent, "To Observe the Things We have Heard," 03/14/21
Third Sunday of Lent, "Believing as the Church Believes," 03/07/21
Second Sunday in Lent, “Persevering to the End” 02/28/21
First Sunday of Lent, “Forty Days and Forty Nights” 02/21/21
Quinquagesima Sunday, "The New Great Divide" 02/14/21
Sexagesima Sunday, "Faith and Fantasy" 02/07/21
Septuagesima Sunday, "The Straight and Narrow Path" 1/31/21
Third Sunday after Epiphany, "By Their Fruits You Will Know Them." 1/24/21
Second Sunday after Epiphany, “Do whatever he tells you” 1/17/21
Feast of the Holy Family, "Heaven or Hell on Earth?" 1/10/21
Most Holy Name of Jesus, “Blessed Be the Name of the Lord” 01/03/21
Feast of The Circumcision, "Put on the New Man." 01/01/21
Sunday within the Octave of Christmas, "The Gospel or the World in 2021" 12/27/20
Christmas, "Justice shall flower in His days" 12/25/20
Fourth Sunday in Advent, “Faith of our Fathers, Holy Faith!” 12/20/20
Third Sunday of Advent, “The Gentiles shall walk in thy light,” 12/13/20
Feast of the Immaculate Conception, "The Blessed Virgin Mary, the Second Eve," 12/08/20
Second Sunday of Advent, "The Blessed Hope and Glorious Coming," 12/06/20
First Sunday of Advent, "Persevering to the End," 11/29/20
Twenty-fifth (& Last) Sunday after Pentecost, “Our help is in the Name of the Lord” 11/22/20
Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost "Turning to God from Idols," 11/15/20
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost, "Touching the Hem of His Cloak," 11/08/20
Feast of Christ the King, " The Great King Over All the Earth," 10/25/20
Feast of St. Luke, "The Kingdom of God is at Hand" 10/18/20
Feast of the Maternity B.V.M., "Despise Not Our Petitions", 10/11/2020
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost, “The Light of the World” 10/04/2020
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost, “You shall know the Truth” 09/27/2020
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, "But by the Grace of God." 09/20/2020
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost, “The Day of the Lord” 09/13/2020
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost, "The Sacraments, While We Have Them" 09/6/2020
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, "Preparing for Battle" 08/30/2020
Feast of St. Joachim, "Saints of These Times" 08/16/2020
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost,“To Walk in the Spirit” 08/09/2020
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, "For the Good of the Race" 08/02/2020
Feast of Saint Anne, “By the Grace of God” 07/26/20
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, "The Rise of the False Prophets" 07/19/2020
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, “Sacred Mysteries or Altered Rites?” 07/12/2020
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, "Sight to the Blind" 07/05/2020
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, “The sufferings of the present time” 06/28/2020
Third Sunday after Pentecost "Chaos in the City of Man" 06/14/2020
Trinity Sunday, "The Door to Eternal Life" 06/07/2020
Feast of Pentecost, “The Spirit that Gives Life” 05/31/2020
Sunday after Ascension, “He who believes in the Son” 05/24/2020
(No sermon was sent for Ascension Thursday)
Fifth Sunday after Easter, “In the Grip of a Raging Storm” 05/17/2020
Fourth Sunday after Easter, “The Truth Shall Make You Free” 5/10/2020
Finding of the Holy Cross, “Thou Shalt Not have Strange Gods” 5/3/2020
Second Sunday after Easter, "The Fatal Plague" 04/26/20
The Resurrection of Our Lord "He is Truly Risen! Alleluia!" 04/12/2020
Palm Sunday "Make Straight Paths for your Feet" 04/05/2020
Passion Sunday "How Much More the Blood of Christ?" 03/29/2020
Laetare Sunday, “A battle in Heaven” 03/22/2020
Third Sunday in Lent, "He has first loved us” 03/15/2020
Second Sunday in Lent, “Who will endure the day of His coming” 03/08/2020
First Sunday of Lent, “The Sword of the Spirit” 03/01/2020
Quinquagesima Sunday, "The Great Dragon that Led Astray the Whole World" 02/23/2020
Septuagesima Sunday, “The Beginning of Wisdom” 02/09/2020
Feast of the Purification, "As an army arrayed for war” 02/02/2020
Third Sunday after Epiphany, "The Truth or the Consequences", 01/26/2020
Second Sunday after Epiphany, "The Earth and God’s Judgment", 1/12/2020
Feast of the Holy Family, "An Earthly Gospel of Peace and Love."
Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, "Our Help is in the Name of the Lord." 01/05/2020
Sunday after Christmas, December 29, 2019 A Dramatic Confrontation
Christmas 2019 "Being Born Again in Christ."
Fourth Sunday of Advent "To Guide Our Feet in the Way of Peace."
Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday) "Put Not Your Trust in Princes"
Feast of the Immaculate Conception “Glorious things are said of you, O City of God”