Scheduling Confirmation
By appointment.
To schedule a Confirmation, call: 832-512-9993
What is Confirmation?
"Confirmation is the Sacrament through which the Holy Ghost comes to us in a special way and enables us to profess our faith as strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ.
"(a) The word "confirmation" means "a strengthening."
"(b) We are not certain from Sacred Scripture of the exact time and circumstances of the institution of the Confirmation. We do know, however, that Christ instituted the sacrament before He ascended into heaven, because it is clearly evident in the New Testament that the apostles administered this sacrament.
"(c) A confirmed person is called a soldier of Christ because, through Confirmation, he is especially deputed to profess the faith strongly and fight for it."
Baltimore Catechism No. 3, The Text of the Official Revised Edition 1949, by Rev. Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R., S.T.D.
Confirmation at Saint Jude Shrine
Normally, a bishop would be the one conferring Confirmation. However, given the current crisis in the Church and the lack of true Catholic bishops consecrated with the valid form of Episcopal Consecration, it is permissible for a priest given the authority from a true Catholic bishop to confer the sacrament as per Canon 782: "Rome has granted the faculty to bishops to sub-delegate or delegate any priest they choose to administer Confirmation.” (A Commentary on the New [1917] Code of Canon Law, Vol. IV, by Rev. P. Charles Augustine, 1925, page 107)
In 2002, the Ukrainian-Catholic Eparch of Toronto, Archbishop Isadore Borecky, delegated to Saint Jude Shrine's resident priest, Father Louis Campbell, the faculty to administer the sacrament of Confirmation.